A man from the Ansar lived the farthest from the mosque. He was advised, “If you buy a donkey, you can ride it during the dark nights and hot days.” He said, “I do not like for my house to be so close to the mosque. I want my walking towards the mosque and returning home to be recorded as good deeds for me.” The Messenger of Allah, peace, and blessings be upon him, said, “Certainly Allah has gathered all the rewards for you.”(Source: Sahih Muslim 663)
Other people of Banu Salimah decided to move to land to get closer to the mosque. After hearing that prophet, SW said, "I have heard you intend to move near the mosque.” They said, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah. We have decided to do so.” The Prophet said: "O tribe of Salimah, stay in your houses for your steps will be recorded. Stay in your houses for your steps will be recorded". (Source: Sahih Muslim)1068.
This is how walking was encouraged to the believers in times of prophet. However, "Recording our steps "and "gathering all the rewards"-does it ring a bell to you? How about now? “The future of health is on your wrist”? yes! You got it!
1600 years ago, the idea of counting our steps deeply embedded in Islam, Of course! There is no doubt about the health benefits of step tracking. But we need to understand that since Islam is a religion, it has inspired its people to walk from their homes to their mosques so that every step could be counted as good deeds! And good deeds are those what is beneficial to one or others! To mention it as a "good deed" and Allah will "record" and give "reward" is simply an attempt to make people do it for their own good.
Big companies like Apple have now been concentrating on the prospect of developing devices like the Apple Smartwatch or even the Fitbit Fitness Tracker and making money based on this concept.
Indeed, Allah is giving rewards in the form of good health for this practice of walking.
Quran indicates how Allah built walkways, parks other areas in the motorized cities ideal for walking. In the Quran, "It is He Who has made the earth manageable for you, so walk in its tracts and eat of His provision. To Him is rising. (67:15)
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