Friday, January 26, 2018

Whatever evils befall you from your own selves.

Verse 4:79
Whatever good comes to you is from Allah and whatever evils befall on you from your own selves...

Allah SWT doesn't only test our faith to see our level of patience during difficult times, he also examines our mindset and heart's attitude. How we tend to respond in times of trials reveal a lot about our sincerity toward Allah. Are we being discouraged, frustrated, defensive or even depressed in hard times? Because underneath all of these behaviors is hidden the root causes of the problem hypocrisy.. This verse is encouraging us to look deeper into our hearts and figure out our own weaknesses and shortcomings that may be a contributing factor to any difficulties in our life.

Allah has given few examples of such spiritually diseased heart filled with hypocrisy from some  Muslims behaviors during the early times of Islam in previous verses 4:77-78. It will be easy to recognize those bad attitudes when we look at the historical context of these verses. According to The tafsir of the Quran, some  Muslims complained to prophets that before they accepted Islam they felt safe and secured from the attack of Mecca's polytheists. And was asking prophet's permission to go for fights with them. But they had been told to be patient and kept purifying their souls by being active in  their personal and social obligation like praying and giving zakat. They took this suggestion happily since that would established them as "religious" person in the society.** ( complaining, showing off)
later on when the time came and Allah SWT commanded the prophet and the companions to go for Jihad in cause of Allah; those same people backed off and started giving excuses and requested to delay the fight in fear of death. Allah exposed their hypocrisy hidden in their heart saying that these people were ready to fight for their own selfish reasons( to get their security and glory back) but when they were called for fighting in cause of Allah, then they were scare of death forgetting the fact that death has been determined by Allah and there is no point of running from it. ( 4:78)

Another bad attitude of hypocrites against prophet is pointed out by Allah was whenever they won a war they saw the victory from Allah's grace, but if they lost in a war because of their own faults and weakness they blamed Prophet Muhammad SW instead of being responsible for their own conducts.
Allah is the source of all things; if we have a positive mindset and carry out our duty Allah will give us victory and if we have a negative mindset, we are responsible for our own misfortunes in our life.


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